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John Poole 1959-196
- Hello, Colin (Bootsie). How lovely to hear from you. Are you still known by your nickname? That's cool, after all these years. We spent the first two years in the same form, didn't we? I remember the form register went like this: Barnes, Batt, Bird, Burr, Chable, Cheeseman, Clements, Cooper, Dix … etc. Then as the third year started, I was in the Alpha stream and you must have gone onto greater things. And you lived in Rathmore Road Charlton, if I remember correctly? Yes we often jokingly called our road (Aldeburgh Street and pronounced by us as “Alderberg&rdquo
as” All De Bugs Street”, too - but in actual fact it was a lovely hawthorn tree-lined street and great to live in. And after all – what boy would not wish to live in a house where full-size steam trains stopped during the day up on the railway embankment just a few yards from the end of their garden at the big old water tower, to refill their tanks with water for their boilers? The street was obviously named after the East Coast Town of Aldeburgh – But up there they pronounce it as “Aldborough” - a little bit pretentious, for South East London, I think.
I do hope you haven't spent too many years bearing a grudge against me regarding your Charlton football programmes, though, Colin – I only ever had about four or five and my Dad threw them out along with a load of other cherished items when I took too long collecting them after I got married and moved away. Also, I don't believe I ever socialised with your sister, so I'm afraid it's a complete mystery to me.
Re: Footage Detectives – I must have missed that episode. I didn't think they would mention kids playing on a railway, (despite being freight only, non-electrified, just steam engines pulling long strings of wagons and no passenger trains. I'll have to see if can find it on the TPTV Encore service.) You're right, I was in Wolfe House (You were in Rodney?) but although I thought I was a good football player, (as do most schoolboys) I never reached any of the top teams at school. And I was far too short in those days to be in goal. (Do you remember Charlton's player Johnny Sewell teaching us?)
Finally, Colin, yes, thanks - life's been good to me – got a lovely family of married daughters and grandchildren. You can't ask any more of life than that. Hope life has treated you well, too.
Take care mate. John
Paul Angus
- Hello Tony Lee,
I remember you! A musician, you introduced me to Beethoven symphonies, 5&6, kindly lending me LPs, and showed great patience with me on the Kidbrooke tennis courts. I am in nostalgic mood with a glass of Ballantine's at the bar of the same name in Modena, Italy, where I have lived for 30 years. Nigel was an inspiration. Paul Angus 1966-72
colin bootsie barnes
- For John Poole , I saw your name on the footage detectives a couple of weeks ago . You were talking about the angerstein wharf railway line . I guess it must have been you as you lived in aldeburgh street or al de bug street as it was known locally. I remember my sister gave away aload of my old charlton programmes either to you ,or did you havea sister . Anyway I only found out a long time later. The programme said you lived on romney marsh ? strangely i spot a long weekend in Sandgate a few days before. Were youa goalkeeper for Wolfe ? whateevr I hope life has been good for you
Terry Marshgreen
- Hi John, good to hear from you again, please send me an email, [email protected] and we can have a good catch up.
John Poole
- 1959-1964
Hi Terry Marshgreen and Dave Clifton. Even as I posted my message yesterday, I realised that I had left some names off, which I should have included. Very fortunately for me, I found that all the lads in my class were my friends, however. of course, we all had our favourite groups to hang around with at break time and indeed, sometimes we also went out on cycling trips into Kent (Downe, Keston, for example), or out on 'Bus Spotting' Red Rovers. Our own particular 'close mates' group consisted of Dave (Chabes) Chable; Tony (Slaners) Slaney; Brian (Bru) Varley; Morley Dennis Guy (Morse) Morson and David (Waggy) Hampton. Alex (Mac) Mackenzie, who was brainer than us and was in the 'A' Grade class of our year was also part of our group. (We were all 'Alphas'). My own nickname by the way, was Pook (or Pooky) - due to the mis-spelling on the teacher's list on our very first day, when around 105 of us all sat cross-legged on the hall floor, waiting to have our names called out and be placed into one of three classes. I was the only kid left on the floor at the end of that registration because my surname Poole had not been called out. The teacher calling out our names marched over to me, telling everybody that "Unfortunately, we have here a boy who does not seem to be able to concentrate on what's going on about him. Your name IS Pook, I presume?" "No, sir - Poole", I replied, by now close to tears. But I'm so very glad that that spelling mistake provided me with a nickname which I enjoyed my mates calling me throughout my time at Roan Grammar School - Best school ever!. Happy New Year 2024 to all fellow Old Roans!
John Poole
- Hi to classmates Terry Marshgreen and Dave Clifton, who appear on these pages. Also to Roger Cooper and Phil Harrison who sometimes write in on 'Growing Up In Blackheath and Greenwich ...' website. Good to see you're all still alive and kicking. Sadly, of course poor old Tony Slaney passed away but often wonder if other close mates Dave Chable and Brian (Bru) Varley from our class are keeping well and still around enjoying life, somewhere. I'm not on Facebook, or on 'Growing Up....' and rarely use my laptop for anything other than for typing up stuff (letters, etc.) Anyway, my very best wishes for a very happy and healthy 2024, Terry and Dave. Please pass the same message on to other guys I might know.
Cheers and stay safe. p..s. Terry I know it's sixty years ago since I left Roan Grammar but Im sure I remember a conversation I had with you back sometime prior to my leaving, when you told me that you used to holiday every year at Beer in Devon. Could that memory be correct? I feel certain I'm correct in thinking that. Cheers. John Poole
Terry Marshgreen
- Happy new year fellow Old Roans!
Mike Leach
- Don't know whether this is still open for comments, but here goes. I was at the school between 1960-66 but do not recognise any names allegedly there at that time. No one seems to have mentioned 'Bounce' Martin or Stanley 'the skull' Beale of whom there was a good impression carved in to a desk top. They never did find out who did it. I wonder who it was !!!!!
Tony Lee
- 1965 to 1972
Living in Perth ,W. Australia. Visiting my sister in Lee Dec 15 to 29. Great to catch up with anyone who remembers me
Alan David Goddard
- I attended the Roan School from 1955-1960. Can you tell me what year I went to Braithwaite Camp. My brother Brian is an active member of the association, sadly my two other brothers (Tony & Colin) are no longer alive. Our mum and dad must have been very proud to have had all four sons attend such a prestigious school.
Paul Baker
- I was at the Roan from 1963-70 and I am hoping to arrange a reunion in the Autumn for everyone from that year group - it will be 60 years since we joined the school.
I have already written/emailed a number of people, but I would love to reach as many people as possible, so please let me have an email address so that I can keep you informed.
I did see an earlier post from Colin Wesbroom so please let me have your details!
I also have a stag list from 1963-64 which I'd be happy to email to anyone who's interested.
My email is [email protected]
Terry Marshgreen
- Godfrey, you are very welcome mate, good to see that you still follow the Addicks, better days ahead, we hope!
Godfrey Munro
- Message for Brian Goddard re his earlier post 25th August. I note with interest that you are a Charlton Supporter. I have the autographs of the 1947 Cup winning side. Unfortunately excluding my hero of the time Chris Duffy the goal scorer. At school I played alongside Brian Kinsey who later joined Charlton as a full time professional.
Godfrey Munro
- Message to Terry Marshgreen in reply to my question regarding the Roan School Song. Apologies for thanking you for your earlier reply. You had already started the second verse with 'Here's to old John Roan' Is there anyone who can kindly complete the second verse.
Chris Watson
- I was at Roan School from 1948 to 1956 after my brother Jim Watson and followed by my younger brother Mike Watson, both now passed on.
I have still a copy of the Stag List for 1951-1952. This is in the form of 14 jpeg files (about 10 MB). If any one would like a copy send me an email at [email protected] I wonder if anyone who was in the remove year 70 years ago .......
Messages: 1 until 15 of 264.
Number of pages: 18
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